September Chapter Meeting
September 20, 2023
7:30 am - 9:30 am
Please note that we are back to meeting in person and we are offering a virtual option via Zoom.
If you plan to attend virtually, indicate “pay at the door” and you will not be charged. Please pay via PayPal if you plan to attend in person so that we can order enough food for everyone. Paying in advance will prompt us to purchase you a meal.
For those attending in person, please plan to arrive between 7:00-7:30, find street parking, and join us for breakfast at 7:30AM. We will begin the presentation at 8:00 for those attending virtually.
Please join us for our first chapter meeting of the 2023-2024 year. We will have speakers from our feeder colleges providing updates on their programs and someone from ASSP talking about key issues. We will have a remote/hybrid option available for those who cannot attend in person.
*Please note that once a chapter member submits registration, the member is responsible for payment to the Puget Sound Chapter regardless of whether the member attends the meeting. This is due to the fact that the Chapter pays for the meal regardless of attendance. Payment can be made via Paypal on the ASSP PSC website, by check or credit card at the door, or by calling Lucien Sahali at (831) 521-8353 if you miss the meeting and need to submit payment.
Virtual Option – Join Zoom Meeting:
Puget Sound ASSP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 917 2869 7457
Passcode: 238605
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,91728697457#,,,,*238605# US (Tacoma)
+16699009128,,91728697457#,,,,*238605# US (San Jose)
Venue: Howard S. Wright, a Balfour Beatty company
Venue Phone: (786) 837-4371 (Dwayne)
Venue Website: www.balfourbeattyus.com