The Olympia Section holds its meetings on the third Wednesday of each month, starting in September and running through June. We are looking forward to hosting section meetings in person with a remote/hybrid option. Additional details will be forthcoming and can be found on the events tab. Have a great summer!
For additional information contact Dominique Damian at (360) 556-2071.
Olympia Section Executive Board Members for the 2023-2024 year.
Section Chair – Dominique Damian, MS
Dominique started in safety and health 12 years ago with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (DOSH). She began as a safety compliance officer but switched to industrial hygiene in 2013 as it better aligned with her experience and education. Dominique graduated from The Evergreen State College with a Bachelor’s degree in health science. She is currently working on a Master’s degree in industrial hygiene from Montana Tech. Dominique now works for the Washington Farm Bureau as a consultant and trainer. She is the agriculture management representative for the Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Advisory Board and helps plan the annual conference as well as Ag Safety Days. She looks forward to continuing to contribute to the ASSP Olympia Section.
Section Treasurer – Katrina Fenimore GSP
Katrina is the Occupational Safety & Health Coordinator for the Association of Washington Cities. She is a graduate safety professional (GSP) and a recent graduate from Central Washington University in Safety & Health Management. Katrina works with members from across the state to ensure that employees and their facilities are safe. She helps provide training and safety walkthroughs, as well as consultations for AWC’s Workers’ Comp Retro Program.