President’s Corner

Message from Brian Padgett, Chapter President (2023-2025):

October 2024

Dear ASSP Puget Sound Chapter Members,

The 2024-2025 Chapter year is off to a fast start! On August 16, 2024, your newly elected Executive Committee held the annual planning meeting. During the meeting, we discussed, debated, and ultimately agreed upon our plan for the year. Updates include:

  1. Last year, a few people took on a lot of responsibility for many things. This year, our objective is to spread out the tasks among more people with the hope that everyone will chip in, but everyone will not have to take on too much.
  2. The monthly chapter meetings will still be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 AM. We will continue to use the DoubleTree in Tukwila as our in-person location. All monthly meetings will continue to be hybrid. We will also schedule a few tours and have a holiday social in December and a year-end barbeque in June.
  3. We will improve meeting communication and notices by sending out three notices for each meeting. All meetings are posted at so that members can register.
  4. Meeting ideas include:
    1. Total Worker Health
    2. OSHA/DOSH Heat Rules and Wildfire Smoke Rules (Good topic for April?
    3. Can we get a DOSH representative to present?)
    4. Human Operational Performance
    5. Suicide Awareness and Prevention
    6. Inviting a Student to present to the Chapter on their Project/Thesis.
    7. BCSP Ambassador to talk about the benefits of BSCP
  5. New Member/Lapsing Member Outreach will become a priority.
  6. Finally, we need more leaders, so please consider joining our steering committee in July 2025.

Membership Profile:

It is always a good practice to review your member profile at Simply log in and click the “My Account” button on the top right of the page. While reviewing your member profile, please don’t forget to check your “Communication Preferences” which determine what information you receive from ASSP. Be sure to pay particular attention to your selections under “Email Preferences.” If you wish to receive emails from the Chapter, please select the box “Chapter and Region Content.”

In closing, I am excited about the upcoming year and about the opportunity to work with the Executive Committee and other Chapter members to achieve our 2024/25 Chapter goals. If you have any questions or feedback at the chapter or society level, please feel free to reach out to me directly.  

Take care and stay well,

Brian Padgett